How Elizabeth became fatherless ___ 2014 Update


On December 31, 2013 I hand delivered 2 Cease and desist letters to the Children's Law Center along with a foil request.

Cease and Desist Letter Chacker

Cease and Desist Letter Simmons

FOIL Request Children's Law Center

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old man = Uncle sam or New York Unified Court System?


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The Children's law Center

Our Mission

Our mission is to give a child a strong and effective voice in a legal proceeding that has a critical impact on his or her life. Each year in New York City, thousands of children are the subjects of custody/visitation, domestic violence and guardianship disputes. These cases can be very contentious and very emotional, and the outcomes have a critical impact on the lives of the children involved. Yet, while each adult has an opportunity to speak to the Court, the child’s voice is often faint, or not heard. At CLCNY, our Client Values are:

  • Communicate our client’s voice
  • High quality representation
  • Integrate legal representation with social work
  • Listen to our clients
  • Develop the client’s sense of participation


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